Tomorrow is the 12th anniversary of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
FTC Sends More Than $5 Million in Refunds to Consumers Harmed by Bogus Credit Repair Scheme
Tomorrow is the 12th anniversary of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Last week, we published the three millionth complaint on the CFPB complaint database
Esta semana hemos alcanzado los tres millones de quejas contenidas en nuestra base de datos pública
A message from the Chair of the Taskforce on Federal Consumer Financial Law on the Taskforce report, public engagement, and a path forward
The Bureau’s new Office of Innovation is proposing a “Disclosure
Sandbox” to give companies leeway to test new disclosures or delivery methods
that may better serve consumers
The Bureau’s new Office of Innovation is proposing a “Disclosure
Sandbox” to give companies leeway to test new disclosures or delivery methods
that may better serve consumers
We are proud to unveil a new seal for the Bureau that aligns us with the
official seals of other federal financial services regulators
Today, we’re announcing that this fellowship, formerly known
as the Louis D
observance of six years serving consumers, here are six ways the CFPB has made
consumers count
In the past five years, we have written rules,
enforced laws and, supervised banks and other financial companies, while at the
same time creating resources to educate and engage you to make informed choices
with your finances