Higher student loan interest rates could cost students over $3 billion in additional interest for loans taken out in this year alone
FTC Sends More Than $5 Million in Refunds to Consumers Harmed by Bogus Credit Repair Scheme
Higher student loan interest rates could cost students over $3 billion in additional interest for loans taken out in this year alone
In October, most federal student loan borrowers will make their first student loan payments since March 2020
En octubre, la mayoría de los prestatarios de préstamos estudiantiles federales harán su primer pago desde marzo del 2020
Credit reporting changes through the Department of Education’s Fresh Start program coincided with increased credit scores for nearly 2 million student loan borrowers
Since our November 2022 analysis, delinquencies and scheduled payments on non-student-loans have continued to rise for the more than 32 million people with federal student loans
A commonly used interest rate index officially ends on June 30, 2023
This week, we filed a Statement of Interest to protect people from discriminatory targeting
Delinquencies on non-student-loan credit products continue to rise for student loan borrowers
Student loan servicers with military borrowers should act quickly to identify and notify military borrowers about the PSLF Limited Waiver before October 31, 2022