Millions of consumers seek urgent medical care at non-profit hospitals that are required to provide financial assistance to patients in need
FTC Sends More Than $5 Million in Refunds to Consumers Harmed by Bogus Credit Repair Scheme
Millions of consumers seek urgent medical care at non-profit hospitals that are required to provide financial assistance to patients in need
The CFPB is concerned that medical debt collectors may try to capitalize on surviving spouses’ vulnerabilities to try to collect unpaid medical bills, including bills that may not even be owed
There is a disproportionate impact of medical debt on American Indian and Alaska Native consumers, in Alaska and across the United States
Blog detailing challenges facing consumers in Texas, Alabama, and Louisiana
The CFPB is examining how financial institutions market their products to healthcare providers
New Mexicans submitted complaints about credit reporting, debt collection, and other products
La gente de New Mexico nos envió quejas sobre informes de crédito, el cobro de deudas y otros productos
In April, the nationwide credit reporting companies – Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion – took action to remove medical collections already paid, under $500 or less than a year old from consumer credit reports
Learn about steps you can take to protect caregivers from nursing homes and debt collectors who may be billing and suing caregivers for residents’ cost of care based on illegal admission contracts
Sepa qué pasos dar para proteger a cuidadores de hogares de cuidados y cobradores que podrían estar facturándoles y demandándoles por costos de cuidados a residentes, basándose en contratos de admisión ilegales