Including junk data and mistakes on people’s credit reports is against the law
FTC Sends More Than $5 Million in Refunds to Consumers Harmed by Bogus Credit Repair Scheme
Including junk data and mistakes on people’s credit reports is against the law
There is a disproportionate impact of medical debt on American Indian and Alaska Native consumers, in Alaska and across the United States
Hemos introducido junto a la FTC un escrito amicus curiae para asegurarnos de que las compañías de informes del consumidor investiguen las disputas hechas por los consumidores
The CFPB and FTC filed an amicus brief to help ensure that consumer reporting companies investigate consumer disputes
The CFPB is extending the deadline for public input on the full scope and breadth of data brokers and their business practices, including the impact on consumers’ daily lives, and whether they are all playing by the same rules
Extendimos la fecha tope para recibir comentarios públicos sobre la extensión y alcance de los corredores de datos y sus prácticas de negocios, incluyendo su impacto en la vida cotidiana de los consumidores, y si éstos están cumpliendo las mismas normas
The CFPB is seeking public input on the full scope and breadth of data brokers and their business practice, including the impact on consumers’ daily lives, and whether they are all playing by the same rules
The CFPB and the FTC want to hear about challenges you’ve faced because of rental background checks
Markets work best when rules are simple, easy to understand, and easy to enforce
A CFPB report revealed that the NCRAs have largely relied on vague, unhelpful form letters in response to consumer complaints filed with the Bureau