Your credit reports and scores play an important role in your future financial opportunities
FTC Finalizes Order with Marriott and Starwood Requiring Them to Implement a Robust Data Security Program to Address Security Failures
Your credit reports and scores play an important role in your future financial opportunities
Your credit records affect your ability to get a loan, a job, an apartment, and other essentials of life
CFPB releases report on background screening reports, with a focus on criminal background checks used in employment
A joint study with Credit Karma explores the relationship between subjective Financial Well-Being (FWB) and objective credit characteristics and engagement with financial education tools
Si usted se vio afectado por el robo de información a Equifax en 2017, puede que sea elegible para recibir compensación y beneficios gracias al reciente acuerdo legal
If you were affected by the 2017 Equifax data breach, you may be eligible to claim compensation and benefits because of a legal settlement
An update on results provided under the Bureau’s No-Action Letter on
alternative data and machine learning
The ability of consumers to access various types of credit can be affected by their credit scores, as many lenders require a minimum credit score before credit will be extended
If you have student loans here are three things to do now to keep your student loans in order
Protect older adults in your community from identity theft – order the Bureau’s ID Protection guide and placemat today!