Este mes, más de 8
FTC Finalizes Order with Marriott and Starwood Requiring Them to Implement a Robust Data Security Program to Address Security Failures
The CFPB’s enforcement authority is among our most impactful tools—reinforcing compliance with federal consumer financial laws and sending a clear message to entities within our authority and the public that the CFPB remains vigilant on behalf of consumers
Recently, several people have received phone or video calls from scammers, pretending to be CFPB employees, who are trying to steal your money
Recientemente, varias personas han recibido llamadas telefónicas o de video, de estafadores haciéndose pasar por funcionarios de la CFPB, quienes tratan de robarles su dinero
264 consumidores comenzaron a recibir cheques de las demandas contra individuos quienes negociaron ilegales ofertas de crédito con altos intereses a veteranos
The CFPB filed an amicus brief to help ensure that consumers can hold debt collectors accountable for making false statements
In December, 264 consumers started receiving checks from a series of lawsuits involving four individuals who brokered illegal high-interest credit offers to veterans
As interest rates increased in 2022, the number of refinance mortgage originations declined, with cash-out refinances becoming a larger share of all refinances
The CFPB has submitted input on a proposal by the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation explaining states’ critical role in oversight of providers of consumer financial products and services
The CFPB Ombudsman’s Office shares its FY2023 Annual Report