Buying a home is a big purchase, but it’s just that: a purchase
FTC Sends Refunds to Consumers Affected by Fashion Nova’s Deceptive Review Practices
Buying a home is a big purchase, but it’s just that: a purchase
Today, we’re proposing changes to our Mortgage Servicing Rules, which took effect on January 10, 2014
More than 15 million people receive Social Security disability income every year
Nearly a year ago, we issued the TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure Rule
Last year, we released a web-based tool that provides the public with easier access to mortgage data for 2007 through 2012
El año pasado, presentamos, junto con el Departamento de Justicia, una queja contra el National City Bank (National City) por discriminación en los precios de los préstamos hipotecarios
Along with other cases from federal and state partners, today we charged that mortgage rescue scammers have taken $25 million in illegal advance fees from consumers
This year, we established new, strong protections for homeowners facing foreclosure
Last year, along with authorities from 49 states and the District of Columbia, we ordered Ocwen Financial Corporation and Ocwen Loan Servicing to provide $125 million to foreclosure victims
Today, join us for a Consumer Advisory Board meeting in Reno, Nevada at 10 a