Consumidores afectados por BrightSpeed Solutions y su fundador Kevin Howard, recibirán reembolsos por correo
FTC Sends More Than $5 Million in Refunds to Consumers Harmed by Bogus Credit Repair Scheme
Consumidores afectados por BrightSpeed Solutions y su fundador Kevin Howard, recibirán reembolsos por correo
In July, 122,507 consumers harmed by BrightSpeed Solutions and its founder, Kevin Howard, will begin receiving refund checks in the mail
Here are tips to recover and rebuild financially in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, as well as steps you can take to prepare in advance for a potential emergency
Le mostramos consejos para que recupere y reconstruya sus finanzas luego del paso del huracán Beryl, además de pasos que puede tomar con antelación para prepararse para una posible emergencia
Following the recent tornadoes and heavy storms, here are tips to help you recover financially and prepare in case of a season of severe weather
Luego de la reciente ola de tornados y grandes tormentas, le ofrecemos consejos para que se recupere y prepare financieramente en caso de que llegue la temporada de temporales
Los consumidores quienes fueron engañados para que pagaran préstamos que, de hecho, no debían recibirán compensación del fondo de multas civiles de la CFPB
Consumers who were tricked into paying loans they did not actually owe will receive payments from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s civil penalty fund
More than 118,000 consumers who were falsely promised lower interest rates and larger loan amounts if they moved up the “LendUp Ladder” will receive checks in the mail this month