We have heard from consumers
across the country about their experiences with debt collection
FTC Approves Modifications to Horseracing Integrity and Safety Authority’s Assessment Methodology Rule
We have heard from consumers
across the country about their experiences with debt collection
We surveyed consumers regarding their views and experiences in debt collection, and today we have released a report on our findings
lack of clear rules of the road in the debt collection market puts consumers at
a disadvantage
Join us for a field hearing in Sacramento, Calif
Report Highlights Violations in Auto Origination, Debt Collection, Mortgage Origination and Small-dollar Lending
Today we’re ordering JP Morgan Chase to stop illegal debt collections practices
Today, we’re announcing that we filed a lawsuit against a robo-call debt collection operation, including its ringleaders, their companies, and service providers
Today we, along with the Attorneys General of Virginia and North Carolina, announced an enforcement action against a chain of stores doing business outside military bases across the United States
Today, we’re holding a field hearing on medical debt collection at 11 a